
Discrete Mathematics

What is Discrete Mathematics? Discrete mathematics is a branch of mathematics dealing with objects that can assume distinct, separate values. Discrete mathematics has applications in many fields such as: set theory, number theory, logic and proofs, study of relations (including equivalence relations), combinatorics, and logic gate circuit design. Discrete Mathematics gives us the tools, techniques and ideas to study human made systems such as communications systems, transport networks, logic gate circuits and their applications. We can make comparators, flip-flops, adders (half and full) and many circuits useful in control theory and computing. Discrete Mathematics poses a wide range of research problems and important applications in industry. It has applications to all fields of computer science. Famous Mathematicians Boole (1815-1864) Euler (1707-1783) Godel (1906- 1978) Pascal (1623-1662) Pythagoras  (569-475 BC)